Automated-X, Inc. today announced QUICKflickUSA, Inc. , its entertainment rental kiosk subsidiary, now has kiosks installed and operational in Ohio
All 13 Remke locations feature a QUICKflick entertainment kiosk, with one location featuring two kiosks. Details of the contract have not been released.
“For the first three months of operations, we are very pleased with the performance of our kiosks at all Remke locations. QUICKflick offers advanced features, the latest in kiosk technology, and, as an independent, the ability to offer earlier availability of the newest releases. These features offer significant competitive advantages and tremendous value to our customers,” commented Tim Regnier, President and COO.
Freestanding QUICKflick interactive entertainment kiosks allow customers to quickly rent films while doing their regular shopping, providing immediate access to entertainment