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News from the retail automation sector

The automated retail industry is one of the two core technology showplaces today (financial Services being #2).

    • Emerging technologies such as robotics, lockers, digital signage, vending and automated vending lead the way.   Amazon and Google revolutionize physical delivery. OuterWall has another great idea (or not).
    • More mature retail technology includes interactive displays, next-generation POS,  mobile interplay, multi-touch, kiosks for self-service, video services, and customer service technology.
    • Companion technologies include ATMs, kiosks, Advanced ATMS,  NFC and thin client.
    • Standards – here we have more regulatory guidelines in play along with more standards than any other industry. PCI, OPOS, JPOS, MPOS,  HIPAA, ADA, UL, CE just to name a few.

Microsoft Showcase AI Retail Robot: Voice Interactive Vending – Technology News

Big data and artificial intelligence (AI) can change our lives? If you are a little concerned about this news – probably will know that we are now common daily page ads and shopping recommendations are in fact the application of large data and AI, but not today, but the real ‘modern science fiction’


Today at Microsoft’s Media Open Day, a prototype technology is being developed: in a McDonald’s car restaurant in the United States (where drivers can order without a drop off, conversations between attendants and customers are immediately converted to speech recognition Into the precise text, and through the AI operator to extract the key information described by the customer, without the attendant operation can automatically generate orders.

UPS Braces For Another Big Holiday Shipping Uptick |

It is going to be yet another very busy year for the team at UPS, which is projecting 700 million deliveries between Thanksgiving and the end of December. That


UPS My Choice program is another channel UPS is hoping will help it keep the volume spike under control. The program allows customers to choose the delivery location of packages to a variety of sites outside their home, like work or a UPS Access Point location. The parcel pickup program has 30 million members worldwide heading into this holiday — a 10 million person pickup since a year ago, Gutmann told analysts on the call. UPS has about 8,000 Access Point locations in the United States, and they include UPS stores, Access Point “smart” lockers and other sites, such as convenience stores and dry cleaners.