Kiosk fills prescriptions 24/7

Prescriptions can now be filled in Orillia 24 hours a day, seven days a week, thanks to a new service offered at Orillia Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital (OSMH).


Procuring a MedCenter system would run an organization about $75,000 to start, with about $25,000 in costs annually, on top of medication. But those costs will not be borne by the hospital in this case thanks to the partnership with MedAvail and NuVision. MedAvail owns and operates the kiosk, while NuVision operates the pharmacy dispensing the medications.

In exchange for free use of the space occupied by the kiosk, OSMH will receive a portion of the profits. The hospital estimates the MedCenter could bring in up to $50,000 annually in net revenue through the partnership.

Campbell believes the kiosk could be as financially lucrative as a traditional pharmacy, if one were in the hospital.

“It takes up a lot less space than a regular pharmacy and certainly, in terms of access to professional expertise, 24/7, it brings some big advantages that don’t impact our core staff,” she said.

IBM Watson Analytics helps grind big data in unmanned coffee shops

Honest Café automated shops tap into cloud-powered cognitive computing


IBM has worked with Revive Vending to create systems for unmanned coffee shops that tap into the cognitive computing technology of Watson Analytics for data analysis.

Three unmanned Honest Café coffee shops are in operation in London, and another four are in the pipeline. The outlets offer a range of healthy and organic foods and juices alongside fair trade coffee, all through vending machines.

The lack of staff is a move by Revive Vending to reduce overheads and drive efficiency in café environments.

Kiosk & Self-Service Advisory Panels – At home At work

I’ve been involved in this industry (kiosk) for way too long. A few years back we added self-service, and it seems the entire world is going that direction.  Yesterday I setup my new Amazon Echo. I am the early adopter techno-gheek running too many operating systems. Turns out though that it works perfectly for my wife who basically despises computers but likes good self-service. 24 hours later she is telling me what the Echo can do.A few weeks ago I took my 83 year old mother thru the self-chec


PCI Compliance – EMV Is ‘A Colossal Waste of Time’ for Retailers: Report

IHL, which tracks retail payment trends, has slammed EMV in a recent report, calling it “a colossal waste of time, effort and capital to the retail industry.”


Major holdup for EMV is that the banks are going to charge more per transaction to do EMV.  That’s a break in tradition where usually the more secure transaction has fewer fees since fewer problems. Card present transactions are cheaper for businesses than card-not-present for example.